
Classic water cooler.
Provides cooler water in less time.
Switch off the power in the event of a source malfunction to maintain the dispenser
Special taps for the safety of your childreen.
Classic water cooler.
Provides cooler water in less time.
Switch off the power in the event of a source malfunction to maintain the dispenser
Special taps for the safety of your childreen.
Radiator preheat / cool
Equipped with a 1/12 hp piston.
Cold water grades from 6: 10 ° C.
Cold tank capacity: 3.2 liters and hot tank capacity 1 liter.
Hot water grades from 85: 95 ° C.
Economical operation as it consumes only very small electrical energy and has a coolness of 90 watts - 0.8 amperes and a heat of 550 watts